Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What do I need to install the DeskSite software?
    • Windows 2000/XP
    • 500mhz processor & 256MB Ram (Suggested minimum)
    • Windows Media Player 9 or higher (Get it)
    • The following software will be automatically installed if it is NOT already present:
  2. What do I do if I have a problem with my DeskSite software?
    • DeskSite Software will automatically repair most problems you may encounter. If you receive an error message from the “DeskSite Support Team”, simply make sure you are connected to the Internet and allow your DeskSite product to repair itself.
    • If the automatic repair function does not seem to have handled your issue within a reasonable time frame, simply reboot your computer and the DeskSite software will finish any necessary repairs within a few minutes, but could take up to an hour, depending upon your connection speed.
    • If the above process still does not resolve your issue, you should uninstall the product, and then go download the latest version and reinstall the software.
  3. When will I receive my first piece of content?
    • Usually within a few minutes, depending upon your connection speed.
  4. I installed the DeskSite software yesterday, why haven't I received any content yet?
    • How soon you receive content is based upon the speed of your Internet connection, as well as how long you remain connected.
  5. If I have firewall software installed on my system will DeskSite products still receive content?
    • Yes, as long as you have granted Internet access to DeskSite software which will usually be listed as "DeskSiteCMA.exe" in your firewall product. Refer to your firewall's software manual for specific instructions on how to do this.
    • Note: The “DeskSiteCMA.exe” frequently updates and changes.  Depending upon your firewall software, you may receive notifications that the “DeskSiteCMA.exe” has changed and requires authorization again.
  6. Is there a limit to the number of computers on which I can install a particular DeskSite program?
    • No.
  7. Can I install more than one DeskSite product on the same computer?
    • Yes, you can install multiple DeskSite products on the same computer.
  8. Can I play videos in two separate DeskSite products at the same time?
    • Yes, but it is not recommended, because inconsistent behaviors may occur.
  9. I installed the DeskSite software on my computer with Windows XP, but I am a Limited user and not an Administrator. Why do I keep receiving a “DeskSite Alert Error” when logging into my Limited access account?
    • DeskSite software does not currently support “Limited User Access” accounts in Windows XP. Change your user permission level to “Administrator” level access.
  10. Can I surf the Internet using a DeskSite product as my Internet browser?
    • Yes.
  11. Why do I get the notification "This page cannot be displayed" when I click on certain links?
    • Most of the content contained within a given DeskSite program is instantly available, even when you're offline. However, you can also link to content on the web which will be displayed inside your DeskSite product. You receive this notification when you have clicked on a hyperlink (within a DeskSite program) and your computer is not connected to the Internet (i.e., in order to view web-based content you must be online).
  12. How often will my DeskSite program download new content?
    • This depends on which DeskSite product you have installed. Some DeskSite products receive new content several times per day, while others maybe only once or twice per week.
  13. Can I send a DeskSite product to my friends?
    • Not yet. The "Send-to-a-Friend" functionality is coming soon. In the meantime, you can simply direct your friends to the website download page relating to the particular DeskSite product you would like them to have.
  14. Does my DeskSite program need to be open to receive new content?
    • No. You can close the DeskSite program at any time and you will still receive content. Content is downloaded in the background while you're online but not actively using your Internet connection. This ensures you always have 100% of your bandwidth when you need it! You will be notified by an audio/visual alert whenever new content arrives.
  15. What type of content will I receive?
    • Content depends upon which DeskSite product you have installed. Please visit this product's download page for a brief overview of the available content.
  16. How do I know when new content has arrived?
    • An audio alert will play and the word "NEW" will appear across the DeskSite icon on your desktop.
  17. Why haven't I received any new content lately?
    • New content may not have been published recently by the content provider. If you have not received any new content in more than 1 week, please contact tech support by clicking on the "Help" button within your DeskSite product and selecting "Support".
  18. Will DeskSite products fill up my hard drive?
    • No. All content is intelligently managed on your hard drive. Old content will periodically be deleted and replaced with new content automatically, unless you specify otherwise.
  19. Will DeskSite software slow down my computer or Internet connection?
    • No. DeskSite software automatically and instantly defers to user-originated activity. In other words, the product will not interfere with or slow down any of your activity at any time. Content is downloaded to your computer ONLY when you're online but not actively using your Internet connection, thereby freeing your connection whenever you need it.
  20. If your question does not appear on this list, please submit it by emailing us. The email address can be found by clicking HELP on your DeskSite software product and selecting "Support".

If you are having a problem with an installation or download, please email the DeskSite Support Team directly at